Install Oracle On Windows

How To Install VirtualBox. Press the start button and search for Downloads. Click on the link to the Downloads file folder. When the downloads folder opens click on the Virtualbox application file you downloaded earlier on. The Virtualbox setup wizard will begin. Click on “Next” to start the installation. To install Oracle Database Client perform the following steps: Log on as a member of the Administrators group to the computer to install Oracle components. Insert the Oracle Database Client installation media and navigate to the client directory. Double-click setup.exe to start Oracle Universal.

  1. Install Oracle On Windows Server Core
  2. Install Oracle On Windows 10
  3. Install Oracle On Windows Server
  4. Install Oracle 12c On Windows

Installing Oracle Forms and Reports 12c on Windows 10 64 Bit.

Hardware used for this installation is

Oracle 12c Installation Steps in Windows (for SAP system) 1. Download the installation media from the SAP Service Marketplace. To create a local Oracle installation user called Oracle, you enter the following commands: 3. Extract the downloaded files and look for database SAP folder. How to Install Oracle? An Oracle database is a collection of data which is treated as a unit. It was created by Oracle Corporation. It was the first database which was designed for enterprise grid computing. It acts to be flexible and effective in terms of cost and performance. It also manages all information and applications together.

·64 Bit Operating system Windows 7 Home Basic Service Pack 1

Software required to be Installed on your machine.

  • JDK-8u72-windows-x64.exe you can also use Jdk-8u71-windows-x64.exe 64 Bit.
  • Oracle 12c pluggable database with AL32UTF8 Character set.
  • Weblogic Server (Infrastructure)

To install Oracle 12c pluggable database visit my blog at
If you have not installed weblogic you can visit my blog to install JAVA 1.8 and Weblogic Server at
Oracle Forms & Reports 12c Installation Steps.

Step 1.Download Oracle Forms and Reports 12c ( Released on October 23, 2015 from below location.

Step 3.Right Click the unzipped setup file and select Run as administrator. Select Yes when asked for User access control.

Step 4. Click Next on Welcome Screen.
Step 5.Skip Auto Update and click Next.
Step 6.Enter weblogic server (Middleware) home path where you have installed it. Click Next button.
Step 7.Select Forms and Reports Deployment and click Next button.
Step 8. Click Next button on prerequisite check.

Step 9. Click Install on Installation summary page.
Step 10.Installation progress is completed press Next.

Step 11.Installation completed press Finish button.
Your Installation process is completed. But there are few more steps are required. It is not like 11g forms installation where domain are automatically created during installation.
In 12c it is different. You have to create Repository and domain manually. Now let us see how to create this Repository and domain.
Step 12.Let us start Repository Creation Utility (RCU). Your rcu.bat file is located at below location (Check location where you installed the forms and reports).
My location is C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeoracle_commonbin
Step 13.Right click this rcu.bat and select Run as administrator.
Step 14.Click Next on RCU Welcome page.
Step 15.On create repository page option for [Create Repository and System Load and Product Load] should be selected. Click Next.
Step 16.Enter pluggable database details and click next.

Step 17.Prerequisite check should be ok.

Step 18.In Select Components window enter prefix and click on option Oracle Platform Security Services all other components are automatically selected for Audit Services, Autid Services Append and Audit Services viewer Click Next.

Step 19.All Components prerequisites should be ok then press ok button.

Step 20.Select Use same passwords for all schemas and provide the password and click Next button.
Step 21.If you need to change the tablespace detail then click Manage Tablespaces and provide the details else Click Next.
Step 22.Click OK to continue.

Step 24.Start creating RCU by clicking Create button.
Step 26.Create Domain
After completing RCU you will need to create the domain by executing the config.cmd from below location.

Step 28. Select the required products and click the 'Next' button.
·Oracle Reports Server - 12.2.1 [ReportsServerComponent]
·Oracle Reports Bridge - 12.2.1 [ReportsBridgeComponent]
·Oracle Reports Tools - 12.2.1 [ReportsToolsComponent]
·Oracle Forms - 12.2.1 [forms]
Step 29. Click the 'Next' button for Application location.
Step 30. Enter Admin user and password and click the 'Next' button.
Step 31. Select Production and leave JDK as it it unless you are using other JDK and click the 'Next' button.

Step 32. Enter details of Database configuration type which we have given during RCU Configuration.

Enter details of DBMS/Service as : pdborcl
Host Name : localhost
Port : 1521
Schema Owner : As It is
Schema Password : Provide we have given during RCU Configuration.
Click Get RCU Configuration button. If connection is successful then press Next button
Step 33. RCU Configuration success. Click Next Button.
Step 34. Click Next. It is assumed that all component have same schema passwords.
Step 35. Click Next. When all JDBC Test is successful.
Step 36. Select Managed Servers, Clusters and Coherence and click Next.
Install Oracle On Windows
Step 37. Check that the Server Groups is set to FORMS-MAN-SVR (for Forms). And REPORTS-SVR (for Reports). Click Next.
Step 38. Accept the Cluster details and Click Next.
Step 39. Accept the details and Click Next.
Step 40. Accept the details for Coherence Cluster and Click Next.
Step 41. Accept the details for Machines Click Next.
Step 42. Move AdminServer to Machines by clicking > Arrow.

Step 43. Click Add Button and add ohs1 system component and component type as OHS and click Next.
Step 44. Enter Listen Address as localhost and click Next.
Step 45. Select ohs1 and click > Button to move ohs1 to Machines.

Step 46. Click Create on configuration summary.
Step 47. Configuration progress starts.
Step 48. Configuration Completes press Next button.
Step 49. Click Finish button.

Oracle Forms 12c, Reports 12c are installed. Now we need to configure Reports and Forms in following steps.

1.Open Command prompt and create file by giving following command.

C:> MKDIR C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainserversAdminServersecurity
C:>echo username=[Your weblogicUser]>
C:>echo password=[Your weblogicPassword]>>
2.C:> MKDIR C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainserversWLS_FORMSsecurity
C:>echo username=[Your weblogicUser]>
C:>echo password=[Your weblogicPassword]>>
3.C:> MKDIR C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainserversWLS_REPORTSsecurity
C:>echo username=[Your weblogicUser]>
C:>echo password=[Your weblogicPassword]>>

Step 1. Start Node Node Manager by providing following command located in
Right click startNodeManager.cmd and select Run as administrator.
Node manager is started and configuration settings are displayed. Do not close this window.
Step 2. Now we will start Weblogic Admin Server by providing following command located in C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainbin
Right click startWeblogic.cmd and select Run as administrator.
Provide Weblogic User and password which we have given during installation and press Enter Key.
Now Weblogic server is started and in Running mode.
Open the Command window and we will start WLS_FORMS by giving following command.
C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainbinstartManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_FORMS
Now we can start the forms builder from below location.
Step 3. Now we will start the HTTP Server. Open the browser I used Internet explorer and give URL ashttp://localhost:7001/em. It will open the console. Provide the Domain Admin User name and password.
Step 4. Now Click Target Navigation Icon on left top most Icon
Step 5. Expand HTTP Server and click ohs1 and click Start Up at the top. Ohs1 completed successfully now Press Close button.

Http ohs1 is running.

Step 6. Edit the C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeformstemplatesconfigforms.conf'
file to contain the following.
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicHost localhost
WeblogicPort 9001
Now Edit the C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homereportsconfreports_ohs.conf file to contain he following.
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicHost localhost
WebLogicPort 9002
Now copy both [forms.conf and reports_ohs.conf ] to following location.

Step 7. Now Start the forms server by providing following command in Command window

C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainbinstartManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_FORMS

Now Restart the HTTP Server to take effect. You can see that forms server is started and running and its health is ok.

At this point we have not created the Report server and Report server is not started this we will start afterwards.

Now we will check that our forms is installed successfully of not. We need Java JRE to be installed which we have already installed before installing Weblogic Server.

Now Open Internet Explorer and check that our forms is successfully installed and running provide the following URL.

(in hostname provide your hostname where you have installed for ex. localhost).
See our forms is installed and running successfully.

Step 8. Now we will use WLST (Weblogic Scripting Tool) to create Report Components.
·We will create a Reports tool for Machine ‘AdminServerMachine’ – [reportsToolsName].
·We will Create a Reports server for machine 'AdminServerMachine' -
Execute WLST.cmd from following location.
Type the following commands in WLST Window.
connect('weblogic',<'WeblogicPassword'>, 'localhost:7001')
Now Type the following command to create report tools
createReportsToolsInstance(instanceName=’RepTools1’, machine=’AdminServerMachine’)
createReportsServerInstance(instanceName=’MyServer1’, machine=’AdminServerMachine’)

Now your Reports Tool and Server is created.
Step 9. Now let us start WLS_REPORTS. Open command prompt and give following command.
C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainbinstartManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_REPORTS
Now start the Report Builder from the below path.
I have created simple report using HR.Country table.
Now we have installed Forms and Reports 12c Hope you will enjoy installing.

Installing Oracle Forms and Reports 12c on Windows 10 64 Bit.

Hardware used for this installation is
·64 Bit Operating system Windows 7 Home Basic Service Pack 1

Software required to be Installed on your machine.

  • JDK-8u72-windows-x64.exe you can also use Jdk-8u71-windows-x64.exe 64 Bit.
  • Oracle 12c pluggable database with AL32UTF8 Character set.
  • Weblogic Server (Infrastructure)

To install Oracle 12c pluggable database visit my blog at
If you have not installed weblogic you can visit my blog to install JAVA 1.8 and Weblogic Server at

Install Oracle On Windows Server Core

Oracle Forms & Reports 12c Installation Steps.

Step 1.Download Oracle Forms and Reports 12c ( Released on October 23, 2015 from below location.

Step 3.Right Click the unzipped setup file and select Run as administrator. Select Yes when asked for User access control.

Step 4. Click Next on Welcome Screen.
Step 5.Skip Auto Update and click Next.
Step 6.Enter weblogic server (Middleware) home path where you have installed it. Click Next button.
Step 7.Select Forms and Reports Deployment and click Next button.
Step 8. Click Next button on prerequisite check.

Step 9. Click Install on Installation summary page.
Step 10.Installation progress is completed press Next.

Step 11.Installation completed press Finish button.
Your Installation process is completed. But there are few more steps are required. It is not like 11g forms installation where domain are automatically created during installation.
In 12c it is different. You have to create Repository and domain manually. Now let us see how to create this Repository and domain.
Step 12.Let us start Repository Creation Utility (RCU). Your rcu.bat file is located at below location (Check location where you installed the forms and reports).
My location is C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeoracle_commonbin
Step 13.Right click this rcu.bat and select Run as administrator.
Step 14.Click Next on RCU Welcome page.
Step 15.On create repository page option for [Create Repository and System Load and Product Load] should be selected. Click Next.
Step 16.Enter pluggable database details and click next.

Step 17.Prerequisite check should be ok.

Step 18.In Select Components window enter prefix and click on option Oracle Platform Security Services all other components are automatically selected for Audit Services, Autid Services Append and Audit Services viewer Click Next.

Step 19.All Components prerequisites should be ok then press ok button.

Step 20.Select Use same passwords for all schemas and provide the password and click Next button.
Step 21.If you need to change the tablespace detail then click Manage Tablespaces and provide the details else Click Next.
Step 22.Click OK to continue.

Step 24.Start creating RCU by clicking Create button.
Step 26.Create Domain
After completing RCU you will need to create the domain by executing the config.cmd from below location.

Step 28. Select the required products and click the 'Next' button.
·Oracle Reports Server - 12.2.1 [ReportsServerComponent]
·Oracle Reports Bridge - 12.2.1 [ReportsBridgeComponent]
·Oracle Reports Tools - 12.2.1 [ReportsToolsComponent]
·Oracle Forms - 12.2.1 [forms]
Step 29. Click the 'Next' button for Application location.
Step 30. Enter Admin user and password and click the 'Next' button.
Step 31. Select Production and leave JDK as it it unless you are using other JDK and click the 'Next' button.

Step 32. Enter details of Database configuration type which we have given during RCU Configuration.

Enter details of DBMS/Service as : pdborcl
Host Name : localhost
Port : 1521
Schema Owner : As It is
Schema Password : Provide we have given during RCU Configuration.
Click Get RCU Configuration button. If connection is successful then press Next button
Step 33. RCU Configuration success. Click Next Button.
Step 34. Click Next. It is assumed that all component have same schema passwords.
Step 35. Click Next. When all JDBC Test is successful.
Step 36. Select Managed Servers, Clusters and Coherence and click Next.
Step 37. Check that the Server Groups is set to FORMS-MAN-SVR (for Forms). And REPORTS-SVR (for Reports). Click Next.
Step 38. Accept the Cluster details and Click Next.
Step 39. Accept the details and Click Next.
Step 40. Accept the details for Coherence Cluster and Click Next.
Step 41. Accept the details for Machines Click Next.
Step 42. Move AdminServer to Machines by clicking > Arrow.

Install Oracle On Windows 10

Step 43. Click Add Button and add ohs1 system component and component type as OHS and click Next.
Step 44. Enter Listen Address as localhost and click Next.
Step 45. Select ohs1 and click > Button to move ohs1 to Machines.

Step 46. Click Create on configuration summary.
Step 47. Configuration progress starts.
Step 48. Configuration Completes press Next button.

Install Oracle On Windows Server

Step 49. Click Finish button.

Oracle Forms 12c, Reports 12c are installed. Now we need to configure Reports and Forms in following steps.

1.Open Command prompt and create file by giving following command.

C:> MKDIR C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainserversAdminServersecurity
C:>echo username=[Your weblogicUser]>
C:>echo password=[Your weblogicPassword]>>
2.C:> MKDIR C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainserversWLS_FORMSsecurity
C:>echo username=[Your weblogicUser]>
C:>echo password=[Your weblogicPassword]>>
3.C:> MKDIR C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainserversWLS_REPORTSsecurity
C:>echo username=[Your weblogicUser]>
C:>echo password=[Your weblogicPassword]>>

Step 1. Start Node Node Manager by providing following command located in
Right click startNodeManager.cmd and select Run as administrator.

Install Oracle 12c On Windows

Node manager is started and configuration settings are displayed. Do not close this window.
Step 2. Now we will start Weblogic Admin Server by providing following command located in C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainbin
Right click startWeblogic.cmd and select Run as administrator.
Provide Weblogic User and password which we have given during installation and press Enter Key.
Now Weblogic server is started and in Running mode.
Open the Command window and we will start WLS_FORMS by giving following command.
C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainbinstartManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_FORMS
Now we can start the forms builder from below location.
Step 3. Now we will start the HTTP Server. Open the browser I used Internet explorer and give URL ashttp://localhost:7001/em. It will open the console. Provide the Domain Admin User name and password.
Step 4. Now Click Target Navigation Icon on left top most Icon
Step 5. Expand HTTP Server and click ohs1 and click Start Up at the top. Ohs1 completed successfully now Press Close button.

Http ohs1 is running.

Step 6. Edit the C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeformstemplatesconfigforms.conf'
file to contain the following.
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicHost localhost
WeblogicPort 9001
Now Edit the C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homereportsconfreports_ohs.conf file to contain he following.
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WebLogicHost localhost
WebLogicPort 9002
Now copy both [forms.conf and reports_ohs.conf ] to following location.

Step 7. Now Start the forms server by providing following command in Command window

C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainbinstartManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_FORMS

Now Restart the HTTP Server to take effect. You can see that forms server is started and running and its health is ok.

At this point we have not created the Report server and Report server is not started this we will start afterwards.

Now we will check that our forms is installed successfully of not. We need Java JRE to be installed which we have already installed before installing Weblogic Server.

Now Open Internet Explorer and check that our forms is successfully installed and running provide the following URL.

(in hostname provide your hostname where you have installed for ex. localhost).
See our forms is installed and running successfully.

Step 8. Now we will use WLST (Weblogic Scripting Tool) to create Report Components.
·We will create a Reports tool for Machine ‘AdminServerMachine’ – [reportsToolsName].
·We will Create a Reports server for machine 'AdminServerMachine' -
Execute WLST.cmd from following location.
OracleType the following commands in WLST Window.
connect('weblogic',<'WeblogicPassword'>, 'localhost:7001')
Now Type the following command to create report tools
createReportsToolsInstance(instanceName=’RepTools1’, machine=’AdminServerMachine’)
createReportsServerInstance(instanceName=’MyServer1’, machine=’AdminServerMachine’)

Now your Reports Tool and Server is created.
Step 9. Now let us start WLS_REPORTS. Open command prompt and give following command.
C:OracleMiddlewareOracle_Homeuser_projectsdomainsbase_domainbinstartManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_REPORTS
Now start the Report Builder from the below path.
I have created simple report using HR.Country table.
Now we have installed Forms and Reports 12c Hope you will enjoy installing.