Kanji Practice Sheets Pdf

Learning Japanese Kanji Radicals

Even though I have studied kanji for years and years, many times I would still forget exactly how to write them. I would contantly say to myself, I know that kanji has the tree on this side, but what's on the other side? I tried making names for the simple kanji, such as 'tree' for , but since I wasn't keeping track of the names that I gave them, I soon found myself making two sets of names for the same one or giving the same name to two different ones, making it even more difficult to remember how to write the kanji.


Learn to read and write Japanese Katakana with these handy printable Katakana Writing Practice Sheets in pdf format. Even if you will never write Katakana again, it is a great help to write each character a few times as you learn them. Human Japanese Kanji Writing Practice humanjapanese.com. Title: HJKanjiWritingPracticev2 Author: Jaered Croes Created Date: 9/27/2012 6:25:20 PM. Downloadable / printable blank writing practice sheet (PDF) with grid lines for correct, beautiful handwriting of Japanese characters. I asked a japanese friend and she recommended it. I created a PDF of the kyouiku kanji practice sheets and had them printed and bound at kinkos for like $40. Best decision ever. The worksheets are great and easy to use. As someone who has tried many kinds of excel and word tables of self made kanji, this is way better for just getting practice.

Kanji JLPT N5, kanji Tagged With: free kanji worksheets, Japanese Kanji, JLPT N5, kanji, kanji book, kanji worksheets, pdf kanji worksheets, Test practice Subscribe by mail & get your daily lesson. Enter your email address to follow NIHONGO ICHIBAN and receive notifications of new posts by email.

Looking for a solution, I searched all over the internet to see how other people were studying kanji, but all the advice boiled down to simple memorization. I was already doing that, and not succeeding very well. I then came across one person who advocated learning the 214 Official Japanese Radicals in spite of the fact that the Japanese do not actively study them. Japanese children have the luxury of learning kanji gradually over the course of their 10-14 years in school, so memorization works well. But foreigners need to actively learn the radicals, since we do not have that kind of time to spend learning kanji. By learning the radicals, these elements become our 'alphabet'. Although they make up a rather large alphabet compared to English's 26 letters, they still allow us to see the kanji as small radical parts, much like the letters we use for words, freeing us from having to learn the entire stoke order of each kanji we study.

My next step was to find out exactly what were the 214 Official Japanese Radicals. Well, there is a slight difference between some of the websites you will find on the internet, but on the whole, they are in order from 1 to 214.

When learning these radicals, it is important to give a unique English name to each one, because you will use those words to describe kanji that are made up of several radicals. The kanji for 'sky' would be described in English as; crown, legs, and work. Some people make up little stories, such as 'The crown walked to work, looking at the sky,' but I found the simpler I made it, the easier it was to remember. Crown, legs, work = sky. That's it. You can change the English names for the radicals to anything you want, but keep those names consistent. If you want Radical # 18 刀 to be 'knife' instead of 'sword', do so. But, make sure you are satisfied with the name before practicing.

Stroke order is important for electronic dictionaries and kanji recognition apps, so you might as well learn it the right way from the beginning. Click on the button to see the pages with the stroke order included.

If you are ready to learn the radicals, you can start by printing the entire 214 radicals from the button on the left or you can go to each of the Radical sections. Each section has a PDF available for printing of that particular page, as well as stroke order and practice sheets. The first practice sheet in each set is in the same order as the study sheet. The other two practice sheets have the radicals mixed up in a different order.

On this page, you will find free downloadable files for the official JLPT N5 practice test (Japanese Language Placement Test).

JLPT N5 Official Practice Workbook

日本語能力試験 公式問題集

This practice test is based off of the actual JLPT test, so it includes each section in full (vocabulary 語彙(ごい), grammar 文法(ぶんぽう), reading 読解(どっかい), listening 聴解(ちょうかい), along with the recommended time allotted for each section.

These files are simply a replication of the JLPT, and NOT a guide or textbook to help you study any particular section.

Therefore, when you use these materials, it’s best (in my opinion) to set down and treat it the same as if you are taking the JLPT test for real.

Study Tip: Treat it like the real JLPT test


That means no phone, no distractions, no snacks (except for the mid-break), and you are ready to give it your all for the entire duration.

Remember, endurance and fatigue are a big part of the JLPT. If you do not practice the strict time conditions of the exam before test time, you may not be able to perform as well as you’d like to.

JLPT N5 Practice Test Files

Kanji Practice Sheets With Stroke Order Pdf

Below are all of the files you will need to take the N5 practice test. I recommend printing each file first, this way you can take the test away from a computer. Though you will likely need to use a computer to listen to the audio for the listening section..

First, you should download the:

This is the same format you will use to submit your final answers on the JLPT.

Next, here are the files for each individual section. The JLPT N5 is divided into three sections, so it’s a good idea to take breaks in between these sections.

Section 1) Language knowledge (vocabulary)

Japanese Kanji Practice Sheets

Section time: 25 minutes

Section 2) Language knowledge (grammar / reading)

Section time: 50 minutes

Section 3) Listening 聴解(ちょうかい)

Section time: 30 minutes

  • Question 1https://jlptsensei.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/N5Q1.mp3
  • Question 2https://jlptsensei.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/N5Q2.mp3
  • Question 3https://jlptsensei.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/N5Q3.mp3
  • Question 4https://jlptsensei.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/N5Q4.mp3

Check Your Test Result

Want a physical copy of the book?

The practice test books are very cheap, less than $10 on Amazon

Kanji Practice Sheets Pdf

It’s actually probably a good idea to get a physical copy of the test book so you can replicate the test conditions when you attempt your practice test. Good luck!


Are you still alive at the end of all of this? How did you do on the practice test?

Kanji Practice Sheets Pdf Download

Test information and original PDF sources from http://jlpt.jp/e/samples/sample12.html